Do you know that adding foods that are rich in certain nutrients to your diet can help you achieve your fitness goals?
Foods that are packed with important nutrients like protein, fiber, and vitamins can encourage weight loss in women.
On the other hand, foods that are loaded with unhealthy fat and sodium may prevent you from losing those extra pounds.
A problem most women looking to lose weight face, is figuring out the food that contains the nutrients that can help them lose weight.
If you are in this boat, this article is for you, as it unveils some 20 essential nutrients that help you lose weight.

- 1. Fats
- 2. Carbs
- 3. Protein
- 4. Water
- 5. Fiber
- 6. Calcium
- 7. Vitamin D
- 8. Iron
- 9. Magnesium
- 10. B vitamins
- 11. Vitamin A
- 12. Vitamin K
- 13. Chromium
- 14. Vitamin C
- 15. Omega 3 fatty acid
- 16. Phytonutrients
- 17. Copper
- 18. Choline
- 19. Zinc
- 20. Vitamin E
- The bottom line on essential nutrients that help you lose weight
1. Fats
Many people have the notion that fats are bad and can prevent weight loss. But that is far from the truth because several studies have shown that it can encourage weight loss (1) (2).
Cutting out fats from your diets may prevent you from achieving your fitness goals.
Just like fiber and protein, fat is filling. Eating natural food like avocado, eggs, and sardines that are rich in fat may prevent you from snacking on unhealthy food.
That said, you need to keep in mind that not all fat is good. For example, Trans fat, which is found in highly processed foodsare linked to a lot of health conditions. No wonder it is banned by the USDA as a food ingredient in the United States (3).
Take away: Fat is an essential nutrient our body needs to carry out its daily functions. Cutting it out from your diet may prevent you from achieving your fitness goals.
2. Carbs
To work out, you need energy.
Carbohydrate is a rich source of energy that promotes muscle contraction. When consumed, it breaks down into fructose, glucose, and galactose as an energy source.
Unused glucose is converted to glycogen which is stored either in the liver or the muscle.
When you work out, your body uses the glycogen stored in your muscle as an energy source (4).
During an intense endurance workout, glycogen may break down fat cells into a form that can be used as fuel by the body.
Adding the right carbs to your diet will not only help you lose weight but will improve your general health. Studies have shown that a low carb diet can help reduce blood sugar and triglycerides (5) (6).
Note that not all carbs are great and can help you lose weight. So pick your carb source wisely.
Below are some examples of good carbs you should add to your diet.
- Whole fruits-strawberries and apples
- Vegetables
- Tubers- potatoes
- Seeds- pumpkin seeds
- Nuts- peanuts, almonds, hazelnuts, and walnuts
Take away: A low carb diet can encourage weight loss and improve your health. Note that only healthy carbs which are found in veggies, nuts and seeds can help you achieve your dream weight.
3. Protein
Protein is the single most important nutrient you need to lose weight.
Adding protein-rich food to your diet will help reduce your appetite and boost your metabolism (7) (8) (9).
Unlike other nutrients, protein can help you burn calories throughout the day, even when you are sleeping (10) (11) (12).
Studies have shown that a high protein diet can skyrocket your metabolism and help you burn between 80 to 100 calories daily (13) (14) (15).
Apart from helping you lose weight, protein can prevent muscle loss (16) (17).
Below are some rich sources of protein.
- Dairy- yogurt and milk
- Meats- pork, turkey, and chicken
- Eggs
- Legumes- lentils and kidney beans
Take away: Protein is an essential nutrient that can help you burn fat and build muscles. Adding protein-rich food to your diet can help increase your metabolism and reduce your appetite.
4. Water
Do you know that drinking more water can help you lose weight?
Over the last couple of years, several studies have shown that drinking more water can encourage weight loss (18) (19).
To lose weight, you create a caloric deficit. When under a deficit, you are likely to be hungry. And when you are hungry, you may be tempted to eat snacks or something unhealthy.
According to one study, drinking water before breakfast can help reduce the calories you consume throughout your day by 13% (20). So drinking more water may prevent snacking on unhealthy food.
Most health expert recommends drinking 2 liters of water daily. But that amount could go up or down depending on the need of an individual.
For example, very active people may need more water than those who aren’t too active.
Take away: Studies have shown that drinking more water can facilitate weight loss. Aim to drink up to 2 liters of water daily.
5. Fiber
Fiber is an important nutrient that can help reduce belly fat.
Research has shown that belly fat is unhealthy and can increase the risk of health conditions like diabetes and heart disease (21).
According to one study that was conducted a while back, eating foods that are rich in fiber can lower belly fat (22).
Two main types of fiber – soluble and insoluble.
According to this study, only soluble fiber can help reduce belly fat.
Eating up to 10 grams of soluble fiber daily can reduce the risk of belly fat by 3.7 percent, as can be seen in this study.
Besides helping you lose belly fat, soluble fiber can help reduce your appetite and make you less likely to overeat (23) (24).
Take away: Fiber can help reduce belly fat. Eating fiber-rich food will leave you fuller and satisfied.
6. Calcium
Calcium is an essential nutrient that can strengthen your bones, reduce your blood sugar, and boost your metabolism.
A 2010 study found that combining a high calcium diet with vitamin D can help one lose weight(25).
An older study conducted in 2007 shows that a diet that is rich in dairy, calcium, may encourage weight loss, especially in people with health conditions like type-2 diabetes (26).
Since calcium strengthens the bones, consuming foods that are rich in it may improve your performance at the gym.
Below are some foods that are rich in calcium:
• Yogurt, milk, almonds, leafy vegetables, and seeds
Take away: Calcium is an important nutrient that can improve your bone health and help you lose weight. Incorporating foods that are rich in it to your diet will go a long way in helping you achieve your fitness goals.
7. Vitamin D
Vitamin D is an important nutrient that can boost your immune system.
We get most of the vitamin D in our body from the sun.
But, because some people spend a huge chunk of their time indoors or live in an area where the sun doesn’t shine a lot, they have to take vitamin D supplements to get their vitamin D requirement.
According to this study, taking an adequate amount of vitamin D can improve your mood. When you are in a good mood, you will be more inclined to follow your workout routines.
A 2011 study found that taking vitamin D and calcium supplements can help one lose stomach fat (27).
As previously mentioned, the sun is the main source of vitamin D. But if you stay indoors a lot, you can get vitamin D from the following food.
- Tuna
- Egg yolk
- Sardines
- Cod liver oil
Take away: Vitamin D can improve your mood and strengthen your immune system. If you spend most of your time indoors, you should consider taking vitamin D supplements or adding foods that are rich in it to your diet.
8. Iron
If you don’t have enough iron in your body, it will be difficult for you to exercise, as you will be tired and fatigued all the time.
When you have enough iron in your body, your energy levels will skyrocket. This will help improve your performance at the gym.
You can get your iron requirement from the following food.
- Lean meat
- Spinach
- Shellfish
- Beans
Of course, there are iron supplements on the market. But before you buy them, you need to keep in mind that they can make you constipated, especially if you take them without food or if your diet is low in fiber.
Take away: Eating foods that are rich in iron will boost your energy level and improve your workout performance. Eat foods that are rich in iron, instead of taking iron supplements, as they can cause constipation.
9. Magnesium
Magnesium is one of the most abundant minerals in our body.
Several studies have shown that it can improve exercise performance, boost energy levels, and speed up recovery (28) (29) (30).
Consuming more magnesium can also help reduce your stress level as seen in this study.
Besides helping you achieve your fitness goal, eating foods that are rich in magnesium can help you prevent diseases like Type 2 diabetes.
Studies have shown that magnesium can help reduce inflammation, which is a condition that is common among obese people (31) (32) (33).
Below are some food rich in magnesium
- Dark chocolate
- Pumpkin seeds
- Quinoa
- Spinach
- Almonds
- Swiss chard
- Mackerel
Take away: If you don’t have enough magnesium in your body, it will be difficult for you to lose weight, as you will perform poorly during your workout. Consuming more magnesium will cut down your recovery time and boost your energy levels.
10. B vitamins
B vitamins like thiamine, cobalamin, biotin, pyridoxine, niacin, riboflavin, and folate can help boost your metabolism.
You see, when you eat food that is rich in B vitamins, your body will metabolize fats, protein, and carbohydrate quicker.
Below are some foods that are rich in B vitamins.
- Milk
- Beans
- Potatoes
- Eggs
- Bananas
- Lean meat
- Lentils
Some supplements contain all eight B vitamins. They are commonly known as B-complex vitamins.
Take away: B vitamins can help boost your metabolism and burn fat. You can get all 8 B-vitamins either from food that is rich in them like lean meat and milk or from vitamin B supplements.
11. Vitamin A
Unlike nutrients like protein that can help you lose weight if you eat enough of it, vitamin A doesn’t directly help you burn fat. Its job is to provide cellular support to the organs that are associated with fat burn.
Vitamin A can also help clean up free radicals and the waste in your digestive system.
Besides helping you clean your system, vitamin A can improve your vision, heart health, and prevent health conditions like hypertrophy, which may prevent you from losing weight.
Foods that are rich in vitamin A are usually a good addition to a weight loss diet as they are low in calories and high in fiber and nutrients.
Below are some foods that are rich in vitamin A.
- Fruits
- Vegetables
- Animal liver
- Fish
- Cheeses
Take away: Vitamin A doesn’t help you lose weight directly. However, it can support the organs that help you burn fat.
12. Vitamin K
Most of the vitamin K in our body is produced in the large intestine by bacteria like bifidobacterium and lactobacillus.
You can also get vitamin K from food like oat, liver, vegetable oils, whole grains, and meat.
According to a 3-year intervention study, a high vitamin K intake can help reduce visceral fat and abdominal fat (34).
This goes to show that adding food that is rich in vitamin K will help you lose weight.
Take away: Most of the vitamin K in our body is made by some bacteria in our intestine. Eating food that is rich in vitamin K will help reduce abdominal fat.
13. Chromium
Chromium is an important mineral that can boost your metabolism and help you lose weight.
A lot of women looking to lose weight struggle to follow their diet because they aren’t satisfied after each meal. Adding chromium to your diet may help reduce hunger and cravings.
This can be seen in an 8-week study where participants took 1000 μg/d of protein daily. The participant’s food intake, cravings, and appetite reduced dramatically after taking chromium supplements.
Other studies have shown that chromium offers a lot of health benefits. For example, taking up to 200 μg of it daily can help reduce your blood sugar (35).
Another study shows that chromium can reduce the risk of diabetes by 27% (36).
Take away: Adding chromium to your diet can help reduce hunger and make you eat less. Studies have shown that it can also reduce the risk of certain diseases.
14. Vitamin C
Eating food that is rich in vitamin C can help you lose weight quicker, as they can help your body metabolize fat.
Vitamin C can also boost your energy levels, reduce stress, and remove harmful radicals from your body.
When you have enough vitamin C in your system, your blood sugar will normalize and your immunity will go up.
Vitamin C can also help you fight flu, cough, and colds. So, if you are taking enough vitamin C, you are less likely to succumb to these illnesses.
Below are some foods that are rich in vitamin C.
- Acerola cherries
- Rosehips
- Chili peppers
- Guavas
- Blackcurrants
- Kale
- Kiwis
- Broccoli
Take away: Vitamin C is an all-round nutrient that can help you do everything from fight disease and boost your immune system to increase your energy levels and clean your body. You can get your vitamin C requirement either from supplements or food that are rich in it.
15. Omega 3 fatty acid
This is a family of good fat that offers a lot of health benefits.
Studies have shown that omega 3 fatty acids can prevent depression and improve brain and heart health. (37) (38) (39)(40).
Adding food that is rich in omega 3 fatty acids to your diet may support your weight loss efforts.
As can be seen from this study, consuming fish oil omega 3 can make you feel fuller.
Research suggests that taking up to 6 grams of fish oil omega 3 daily can increase your metabolic rate by 3.8% (41).
Other studies have shown that taking omega 3 fatty acids can help increase the number of calories you burn during a workout (42) (43).
Below are some foods that are rich in omega 3 fatty acid.
- Cod
- Spinach
- Shrimp
- Tuna
- Salmon
- Sardines
- Trout
- Canola oil
Take away: Omega 3 fatty acid is an essential nutrient that can help boost your metabolism. Studies have shown that eating omega 3 rich food may reduce your appetite and make you feel fuller.
16. Phytonutrients
Phytonutrients are a plant-based compound that offers health benefits that extend beyond weight loss.
A study that was conducted in 2018 found that phytochemicals can prevent some types of cancer (44).
Talking about weight loss, phytonutrients can boost metabolism and help you recover quicker.
Since it has anti-inflammatory effects, it is a good addition to the diet of obese people suffering severe inflammation, which may be linked to health conditions like cancer or connective tissue diseases.
Below are some foods that are rich in phytonutrients.
- Watermelon
- Grapes
- Blueberries
- Beets
- Grapefruit
- Onion
- Pears
- Peaches
- Papaya
Take away: Phytonutrients can boost your metabolism and prevent certain cancers. Moreover, eating food that is rich in them helps you recover faster after a grueling workout.
17. Copper
Over the years, copper has been linked to several health conditions.
For example, a lot of people don’t know is that these health issues arise when one takes too much copper.
In fact, cutting out foods that are rich in copper from your diet may affect your general health.
A study conducted in 2016 shows that copper has fat-burning benefits. Other studies, like this one, show that copper can help address neurological conditions like Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and Parkinson’s diseases.
Below are some food rich in copper.
- Beans
- Sunflower seeds
- Potatoes
- Peas
- Whole grains
- Green vegetables
- Dark chocolate
Take away: Copper can help you lose weight. Eating foods that are rich in it can help prevent neurological health conditions.
18. Choline
Choline is an important nutrient that our body needs (45).
Studies have shown that it can help boost metabolism and remove fat build up in the liver (46) (47).
According to this report, adult women need about 425 mg of it daily.
Below are some dietary sources of choline.
- Egg
- Salmon
- Broccoli
- Beef Liver
- Fresh cod
- Soybean oil
Therefore, even if choline is great and offers a lot of health benefits, you should be mindful of how you consume it.
According to a study, a high intake of choline can lead to the development of health conditions like heart disease and diarrhea (48).
Take away: Choline can help boost your metabolism and remove fat build-up. A high intake of choline is associated with some health conditions.
19. Zinc
Zinc is an important nutrient, which can help your body metabolize fats, carbs, and proteins.
If you don’t have enough of it in your body, your energy level will drop and you will be fatigued. This will make it difficult for you to perform well at the gym.
According to one study, taking zinc supplements can lead to the reduction of waist circumference, body weight, and mass index (49).
Here are some zinc-rich foods you should consider adding to your diet.
- Oysters
- Blue crab
- Lamb
- Chickpeas
- Black beans
- Cashews
- Cheddar cheese
Take away: Adding zinc-rich food to your diet may help you achieve your fitness goals. If you don’t have enough zinc in your body, it will be difficult for you to lose weight.
20. Vitamin E
Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that can help improve your general health.
However, vitamin E doesn’t help you lose weight directly, but it supports the weight loss process. It does this by supporting the organs that help you metabolize fat and carbs.
Below are some foods rich in vitamin E.
- Spinach
- Kiwifruit
- Tomato
- Roasted hazelnuts
- Broccoli
- Mango
- Almonds
Take away: Vitamin E is an important nutrient that supports the weight loss process. Likewise, eating food that is rich in it can improve your general health.
The bottom line on essential nutrients that help you lose weight
To lose weight, you have to dine on foods that are rich in nutrients that can boost your metabolism and improve your general health.
Your diet should be balanced and rich in fruits, veggies, protein, water, healthy fat, and carbs.
If for some reason you can’t add certain foods to your diet, you should consider buying their supplement to fill in the gap.