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Step Away From The Carbs: Limit Carbs to Sustain a Healthy Weight

A healthy diet has a preconceived notion among people that it is tasteless. People also step back from the diet because they think healthy foods are not tasty. And that…

Sweet as Honey: Say Hello to Guilt-Free Indulgence with These Recipes

Switching to a low-carb life may not be as easy as it seems. It gets more difficult for people with a sweet tooth because for them craving reaches a different…

Easter Low Carb Recipe Ideas

Easter is all about fun, family time, and traditional dishes. This is the time to surprise everyone with your kitchen skills. It brings out the festive mood in the food….

Thanksgiving Low Carb Recipe Ideas Without Wasting Time In Planning

Whether you are celebrating Thanksgiving with your family or hosting a party, food is the main attraction of any holiday season. This is where low-carb Thanksgiving becomes a challenge. It…

jocelyn your support in your weight loss journey


Your support in your weight loss journey

I’m here to help you become an active participant by overcoming challenges that you will encounter in the journey to lose weight and maintain the weight you so desperately desire in order to feel good and look good.