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Low Carb Breakfast Ideas With Little to No Effort

Sticking to a low-carb diet is a real struggle when you have to find feasible breakfast options. You know you cannot have oatmeal, cereals, and toast. Then what is left…

Lose Weight by Eating: Eat Healthy to Achieve Your Dream Weight

The weight loss journey is never easy nor will it be. Everyone has their challenges and failures. The ones who succeed have always agreed to a common fact that is…

Low Carb with Jennifer: Keto Recipes to Say Good-Bye to Cheat Meals

Choosing a low-carb life is perhaps the best decision you have taken to live healthy. Many of you might have soon realized that the wise decision comes with its challenges….

Thanksgiving Low Carb Recipe Ideas Without Wasting Time In Planning

Whether you are celebrating Thanksgiving with your family or hosting a party, food is the main attraction of any holiday season. This is where low-carb Thanksgiving becomes a challenge. It…

jocelyn your support in your weight loss journey


Your support in your weight loss journey

I’m here to help you become an active participant by overcoming challenges that you will encounter in the journey to lose weight and maintain the weight you so desperately desire in order to feel good and look good.