20 Evidence-Based Tips to Reach Your Weight Loss Goals

Every woman looking to lose weight must be ready to make drastic lifestyle changes.

This may mean everything from working out consistently to eating right.

Even if you do these two, there is no assurance that you will achieve your weight loss goals because other factors can influence how much fat your body can burn.

To narrow down these factors, you have to do deep and extensive research.

Because the internet is loaded with a lot of myths and baseless information about weight loss, you cannot trust everything you read.

Well, the good news is that scientists have discovered some strategies that work.

In this article, we are going to be looking at some 20 researched-based tips that can help you achieve your weight loss goals.

20 Evidence-Based Tips to Reach Your Weight Loss Goals

1. Drink an extra glass of water

Water plays a lot of important roles in your body; weight loss is one of them.

If you don’t drink enough water, it may be difficult for you to achieve your fitness goals.

According to a small study, drinking 500ml of water daily can increase the number of calories you burn by 30% (1).

Apart from helping you lose weight, drinking water, especially before a meal can reduce your appetite and ultimately the number of calories you consume (2) (3).

Take away: Drinking more water is one of the easiest ways to lose weight. Studies have shown that drinking water before a meal can reduce the number of calories one can consume by 30%.

2. Stay away from refined carbs

The problem with refined carbs is that they are loaded with sugar and offer very little micronutrient and fiber.

Several studies have shown that refined carbs can increase belly fat and body weight (4) (5) (6).

Because refined carbs contain very little or no fiber, even if you eat a lot of them, you may not be satisfied.

To lose weight faster, you have to replace the refined carbs in your diet with healthier alternatives like brown rice, barley, oats, and buckwheat.

Take away: Refined carbs are loaded with sugar and lack some important nutrients that your body needs. Eating them will not only hurt your weight loss goals efforts but will also affect your general health.  

3. Start your day with coffee

Coffee is a popular beverage that a lot of people start their day with.

What most people don’t know is that coffee can help one lose weight.

As can be seen in this study, drinking coffee can boost metabolism by 11%. And as you likely know, if your metabolism is high, your body will burn more calories.

Other studies have shown that drinking coffee can increase the amount of fat your body burns by 29% (7) (8).

Because coffee is loaded with antioxidants and other important nutrients your body needs, drinking it regularly can improve your general health.

To get the most out of coffee, you should take it with very little or no sugar.

Take away: Studies have shown that drinking coffee can increase metabolism and encourage weight loss. To enjoy the benefits it offers, you have to take it with very little or no sugar.

4. Give intermittent fasting a try

To lose weight, you may have to step out of your comfort zone and try out some new things.

Intermittent fasting is an eating pattern, where you eat for a short period and fast for a short period.

A short term study conducted not too long ago shows that intermittent fasting is an effective weight loss strategy (9).

Unlike other weight-loss strategies that are associated with extreme muscle loss, intermittent fasting can help reduce muscle loss during your weight loss journey.

Take away: Intermittent fasting is an eating pattern, where you eat for a short period and fast for a short period. Studies have shown that it is an effective weight loss strategy and can prevent muscle loss.

5. Incorporate fiber-rich food to your diet

Adding foods that are rich in fiber to your diet is an excellent weight loss strategy, as it will prevent you from overeating and make you feel fuller (10).

One problem most women looking to lose weight face is resisting the urge to snack on unhealthy food.

Adding fiber-rich food like fruits, veggies, seeds, whole grains, and nuts to your diet can help you scale through this challenge.

According to a study, eating up to 14 grams of dietary fiber each day can reduce your calorie intake by 10% and help you lose 4.2 pounds within 3 months (11).

Take away: Eating foods that are rich in fiber like fruits, nuts, veggies, and whole grains can help you burn fat. Even more, they can make you feel fuller and less likely to snack on unhealthy food.

6. Ensure that you are getting enough sleep

Every year, a lot of women give up on their weight loss goals because they aren’t seeing the result of their hard work at the gym.

Sleep deprivation could be one of the reasons why they aren’t seeing the result they so badly desire.

 Several studies conducted over the years have shown that sleep deprivation may lead to weight gain and an increased level of ghrelin, a hormone that stimulates hunger. (12 13 14).

According to one study, getting up to seven hours of quality sleep each night can increase the likelihood of you losing weight by 33% (15).

Take away: If you aren’t getting enough sleep, it will be difficult for you to lose weight. Getting up to 7 hours of quality sleep each night can make you more likely to lose weight.  

7. Say yes to protein

Without making drastic lifestyle changes, eating foods that are rich in protein may help you lose weight.

 Studies have shown that following a high protein diet can boost metabolism and make you feel fuller and satisfied (16) (17) (18).  

According to a 12-week study, increasing your protein intake by 15% may make you eat 441 fewer calories; this, in turn, will make you lose up to 11 pounds (19).

Here are a few examples of protein-rich food you should consider adding to your diet.

  • Legumes
  • Eggs
  • Lean meat
  • Seafood
  • Poultry
  • Fish
  • Low fat yogurt
  • Tofu
  • Beans

Take away: Protein-rich foods are a great addition to any weight loss diet as they are loaded with important nutrients that can help you build muscles and lose weight. Studies have shown that following a high protein diet can help you cut down cravings and boost your metabolism.

8. Go above and beyond to reduce your stress level

The rigors and challenges we come across each day may leave us stressed.

Reducing your stress levels should be at the top of your priorities if you are serious about losing weight.

Studies have shown that increased stress levels can increase the risk of weight gain (20) (21).

When you are stressed out, you may lack the resolve to follow your weight loss diet and increase your cravings for unhealthy food (22).

Below are some stress-relieving activities that you should give a try when you are stressed out.

  • Listen to music.
  • Hang out with family and friends.
  • Exercise.
  • Take a walk.
  • Practice yoga.

Take away: Studies have shown that stress can affect our health negatively and prevent weight loss. Even more, it may weaken your resolve to follow your diet.

9. Lift heavy at the gym

Doing the same exercise every day isn’t an effective weight loss strategy, as your body may become used to it.

Most women looking to lose weight engage in exercise that doesn’t challenge them. And because of this, they lose very little or no weight.

To successfully lose weight, you have to keep your body guessing and working harder at the gym.

One way you can do this is by lifting weight.

Unlike other exercises like cardio that burns both fat and muscles, weight lifting burns fat and helps prevent muscle loss (23) (24).

According to this study, lifting weight can help boost your metabolism, burn fat, and build muscles.

Take away:  Whether your goal is to lose weight quickly or to protect your precious muscles while losing weight, you should consider incorporating weight lifting to your workout. Studies have shown that weight lifting can boost metabolism and prevent muscle loss.

10. Eat several servings of veggies and fruits daily

Adding fruits and veggies to your diet is an effective weight loss strategy.

Because they are rich in fiber, eating them will make you feel fuller and less likely to snack on unhealthy food.

As you likely know, vegetables and fruits are loaded with antioxidants and other important nutrients, so eating them regularly, will improve your general health.

According to this study, people who eat veggies and fruits regularly are likely to weigh less than those who don’t.

Replace the unhealthy snacks in your fridge with fruits and veggies. This way, you won’t be tempted to eat something unhealthy when you are hungry.

Take away: Vegetables and fruits are loaded with antioxidants and other important nutrients our body needs. Eating a few servings of veggies during the day will make you feel fuller and less likely to dine on something unhealthy.

11. Don’t follow a strict diet

Most people have the notion that it is impossible to lose weight without following a strict diet.

While that is true to an extent, you need to keep in mind that dieting isn’t for everyone.

Not everybody has the resolve to follow a strict diet.

According to one study, people who follow a diet are less likely to achieve their fitness goals (25). They may end up gaining more weight over time. 

When their commitment weakens and their resolve erodes, everything will come crumbling.

Instead of following a strict diet and deprive your body, aim to eat healthy foods that will nourish your body.

Take away: You don’t have to follow a fad or a strict diet to lose those excess pounds. Your goal should be to eat healthy foods that are rich in nutrients that can help you achieve your weight loss goals.

12. Take probiotic supplements regularly

Taking probiotic supplements will go a long way in helping you build the prefect body you have been dreaming about.

Even more, it can help you improve your gut health.

Probiotic is a type of bacteria that offers a lot of benefits to the body.

Talking about weight loss, several studies have shown that probiotics can encourage weight loss in two distinct ways (26) (27). The first is by stimulating the excreting of fat. The second is by reducing our hunger levels.

According to two studies conducted a few years ago, probiotics can help reduce belly fat and decrease body weight (28) (29).  

Other studies like this one show that probiotic supplements contain a bacterial that can help reduce fat mass (30).

You can shop probiotic supplements online, at the grocery store, or any supermarket in your area.

Take away: Probiotic supplements can improve your gut health. Studies have shown that taking them regularly can reduce hunger levels, belly fat, and body weight.

13. Ditch fruit drinks and sugary drinks

The problem with sugary drinks like soda is that they are loaded with sugar. Fruit juice is by no means a better alternative, as it is equally rich in sugar and lacks fiber.

According to this study, the amount of sugar in most fruit juice on the market is almost the same as those found in soft drinks like Coke.

As you likely know, sugar is bad and can hurt your weight loss efforts.

Instead of drinking sugary beverages that offer very little or no nutritional value and fruit juice loaded with sugar and lacks fiber, eat whole fruits instead.

Take away: To lose weight, you have to stay away from sugary drinks and fruit juice, as they can prevent you from achieving your fitness goals. Opt for healthier alternatives like whole fruits and veggies.

14. Drink green tea

Just like coffee, green tea offers a lot of health benefits.

Since it is rich in important antioxidants, drinking it will strengthen your immune system and improve your general health.  

Newer studies like this one, are showing that green tea can encourage weight loss.

Research suggests that a special type of antioxidant present in green tea (catechins) can promote fat burn (31).

Other studies have shown that green tea supplements and beverages can help you lose weight (32) (33).

You can shop for greet tea online or at health stores and pharmacies.

Take away: Green tea is loaded with powerful antioxidants that can improve your health. New studies are showing that green tea can encourage weight loss.

15. Eat eggs in the morning

Most people know that eggs are healthy and are rich in protein and other nutrients our body needs.

What they don’t know is that eating it in the morning or for breakfast may help them lose weight.

According to some studies, eating eggs for breakfast can encourage weight loss and reduce your appetite for the next 36 hours (34) (35).

If for some reason, you don’t eat eggs, then you should eat other high protein food for breakfast

Take away: Eating eggs in the morning may prevent you from over dining on unhealthy snacks during your day, as it is very filling. If you don’t eat eggs, then you should eat other protein-rich food for breakfast.

16. Avoid or reduce the amount of processed food you consume

To achieve your fitness goals, you may have to reduce or cut out processed food from your diet.

The problem with processed foods is that they are high in calories, sodium, and sugar and low in key nutrients like protein and fiber.

Several studies have shown that consuming processed food may lead to weight gain, especially in women (36) (37).

Limit the amount of processed food you consume and opt for veggies, legumes, lean meat, and fruits.

Take away: Because processed foods are high in calories and sugar, eating them may prevent you from losing weight. Reduce or cut out processed food from your diet and opt for healthier alternatives.

17. Use smaller plates

To lose weight, you have to eat below your caloric requirement.

For example, if your body needs 2000 calories daily, you have to consume below that amount (1500 calories) to lose weight.

When you are on a deficit, you may experience issues like fatigue and hunger.

One of the most effective ways to eat less, even when you are on a deficit is by using smaller plates.

According to this study, using small plates can prevent overeating. The participants of the study who used smaller plates consumed less food and felt satisfied than those who used regular size plates.

Take away: To achieve your weight loss goals you have to create a caloric deficit or eat less than your caloric requirement. An effective way to reduce the amount of food you consume is by using smaller plates.

18. Add spicy foods to your diet

No two foods are made the same.

While some foods can improve your health and help you lose weight, others can make you obese.

Because of this, you have to think twice before adding any food to your diet.

Spicy foods are a great addition to a weight loss diet because of the benefits they offer.

Studies have shown that eating spicy food can boost metabolism and encourage weight loss (38) (39).

Spicy foods are loaded with capsaicin, a compound that can help reduce appetite and increase metabolism.

Take away: Spicy foods are rich in a special compound that can encourage weight loss and boost metabolism. Eating spicy food can reduce your appetite and make you less likely to overeat.

19. Do HIIT a few times a week

If you want to achieve your fitness goals quicker, then you should be ready to push yourself to the limit.

Doing HIIT, which stands for high-intensity interval training, will go a long way to help you lose weight.

By engaging in HIIT, instead of cardio a few times a week can help you burn more calories. In fact, you will burn more doing HIIT than other activities like running and biking.

Several studies have shown that HIIT can reduce belly fat and encourage weight loss (40) (41).

Take away: Studies have shown that HIIT is an effective way to burn stubborn belly fat and encourage weight loss. Consider doing HIIT a few times a week to burn more calories.

20. Release stress and lose weight by practicing yoga

Practicing yoga can help you do everything from losing weight to improving your mental health.

Numerous studies have shown that practicing yoga can increase fat burn and prevent weight gain (42) (43) (44).

Besides helping you lose weight, yoga can reduce your stress level and make you less anxious (45).

Other studies like this one show that practicing yoga can prevent you from overeating and bingeing on unhealthy food (46).

If you are new to yoga or know very little about it, you can learn more about it online or attend yoga classes in your city.

Take away: Studies have shown that practicing yoga can help reduce your stress levels and prevent you from overeating. Even more, it can help increase fat burn and prevent weight gain.

The bottom line on tips to reach your weight loss goals

There you have it; twenty evidenced-based tips that can help you achieve your weight loss goals.

Implementing them will not only help you burn more calories but will also improve your general health.

As you journey towards your weight loss goals, do your best to eat healthy foods, reduce your stress andanxiety levels by practicing yoga.

Remember that you don’t have to follow a strict diet to lose that extra pound. Your focus should be on eating healthy foods that are rich in important nutrients like protein and fiber and low in sugar, sodium, and calories.

20 Evidence-Based Tips to Reach Your Weight Loss Goals
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