Lose Weight by Eating: Eat Healthy to Achieve Your Dream Weight

The weight loss journey is never easy nor will it be. Everyone has their challenges and failures. The ones who succeed have always agreed to a common fact that is healthy food.

Now the thing with a healthy diet is it begins and ends with home-cooked meals. We understand it might sound difficult because cooking becomes tedious after a day’s work, but hey you can make it possible.

Our search for easy clean recipes took us to this blog “Lose Weight by Eating”. The name says it all. This blog is owned and managed by Audrey Johns. She herself has been through the journey and her experiences motivate many.

Audrey claims to have been overweight for a long time until she discovered the secret way to eat clean. She has summed up her journey through the recipes on her blog over the years.

Her journey is quite inspiring as she was one of those for whom exercise was not an option to lose weight. She could not work out in the gym due to a nerve disorder. However, that did not lower her spirit.

She tried every way to love herself every day. What helped her most in her journey from 275 lbs to 120 lbs is her culinary skill. She has completely relied upon home-cooked meals and that paid off. She makes sure to stay hydrated and nourished to sustain her ideal weight.

We browsed her blog to share some wonderful recipes and diet plans with you. She swears by every recipe that she has put on her blog. Check them out here.

Lose Weight by Eating Eat Healthy to Achieve Your Dream Weight #easy low carb meal, #low carb diet, #low carb recipes, #recipe ideas, #weight loss meals, #lose weight by eating

1. 7 Day Weight Loss Cleanse

7 Day Weight Loss Cleanse

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What to start with is a big problem for beginners on a weight loss diet. The author has simplified the chart with a detailed 7-day plan. It includes foods like smoothies, omelets, salads, etc. to help you start eating clean. The recipe are super easy to whip up. It ranges between 2 minutes to 20 minutes. It has pretty much everything we need for every meal in a day.

2. Anti Inflammatory Diet

Anti Inflammatory Diet

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We thought of including this one because of its health benefits. Not all that we eat is good for our tummy. Even the healthiest appearing foods can inflame the body from inside that slows down metabolism. Here is a list of 10 simple foods that are anti-inflammatory. They take care of your system without being harmful to your body. Check them out and thank us later.

3. Food for Nerve Pain

Food for Nerve Pain

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Pain can result in any injury or stress. We often seek remedy in medicines to get rid of chronic pain. Most of these pain killers have an adverse effect on our body that eventually bloats us. This makes it more difficult to lose weight and we cannot even stop the medicine due to chronic pain. The good news is some foods have certain nutritional value that has a calming effect on nerve pain. Check them out.

4. Detox Juice Recipes and Juice Diet

Detox juice recipes and Juice diet

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Fresh juice made from fruits and veggies are extremely nutritious. They have also proved to reduce body fat helping to slim down faster. Here is a list of 10 super quick healthy juicy recipes. The author has also shared a juice diet plan to guide beginners. There are little tips and tricks to help you get the most out of a juice diet.

5. Watermelon Smoothies and Drinks

Watermelon Smoothies and Drinks

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Watermelon is a wonder fruit. It is rich in nutrition and fluids that completely nourishes your body. To make watermelon more interesting here we bring you a list of 10 smoothies and drinks. These are super easy to whip up. They also require basic ingredients. Check them out and your summer breakfast and drink will be sorted.

6. Healthy Oatmeal Recipes

Healthy Oatmeal Recipes

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Oatmeal is the best thing to start your day with on a weight loss diet. It is healthy and filling at the same time. Oatmeal also helps to lose weight faster. This page lists 15 easy-peasy recipes of oatmeal for breakfast. The recipes combine oatmeal with other fruits and veggies to make it healthier and tastier. You can whip them up in minutes. These recipes require simple ingredients that are available in every kitchen.

7. Apple Cider Vinegar Drinks

Apple Cider Vinegar Drinks

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Apple cider vinegar is a miracle ingredient for weight loss. It has good detoxifying properties that can revive a slow metabolism. You can have apple cider vinegar with water for weight loss or make one drink using the recipes here. The page has a list of 15 simple recipes of apple cider vinegar drinks. You can easily make them at home. Some of them can be stored which can help your meal-prep planning.

8. Detox Tea

Detox Tea

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This is one of the most appreciated and reviewed pages on the blog. It has a list of teas that helps to detoxify your body for faster weight loss. The list includes green tea, Dandelion tea, and Milk thistle tea. Apart from weight loss properties, they can help you get healthy skin and liver. The recipes are super simple and versatile as well. Check them out and we are sure you will love sipping tea even more.

9. Apple Cinnamon Infused Water

Apple Cinnamon Infused Water

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Infused water has a world of health benefits. They already have the nutritional content of the fruits and greens infused in it along with hydration properties. If you don’t like normal drinking water the whole day for hydration, carry a bottle of infused water. This is a great way to rejuvenate your body. Here the author has shared a recipe for infusing apple and cinnamon in water to give your system a day spa. It also aids in weight loss.

10. Weight loss Detox Smoothies

Weight loss Detox Smoothies

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We know you must be thinking why we shared another list of smoothies again. Well, this list is for everyone struggling to lose weight. It includes 10 easy recipes of detox smoothies that will hasten weight loss. All you need is a blender, fresh fruits and veggies. These smoothies can be whipped up in minutes. Don’t miss out on this one. 

11. Healthy Breakfast Smoothies

Healthy Breakfast Smoothies

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This blog has some of the best weight loss smoothies and we just cannot list enough. Here is another list of 10 healthy smoothie recipes. These smoothies are rich and nutritious, perfect for a filling breakfast. The list includes chocolate smoothies, banana smoothies, coconut smoothies, and even oatmeal smoothies. Check out the recipes here and you will have a list of go-to breakfasts to kick start your day.

12. Green Smoothies

Green Smoothies

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It’s all green and healthy so we are not complaining. You have already guessed by the name that these smoothies have loads of fruits and green veggies in them. You are absolutely right. These are quite filling for meals and breakfast. You just need a blender and some fruits and veggies. They also help to lose weight and nourish your body from the inside.

13. Weight loss Detox Water

Weight loss Detox Water

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These are again a list of 25 healthy infused water recipes that you can easily make at home. These recipes of infused water helps to lose weight faster and also keep it off. You can make them in mason jars and refrigerate it. These recipes require some basic ingredients like herbs, greens, and fruits. They require little effort to prepare but that gives good returns.

14. Metabolism Boosting Drinks

Metabolism Boosting Drinks

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This is our best find in the list. It shares a list of 6 recipes to make metabolism boosting drinks. Just think about it. From the gym to walks and jogs, we do everything just to boost the metabolism to lose weight faster. Well, here comes the simplest way to do it. All you have to do is prepare these recipes and drink it to kick start your metabolism. This will take you a step ahead in your weight loss journey.

15. Lemon Water Recipes

Lemon Water Recipes

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Lemon is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants. It helps to strengthen our metabolism and builds immunity. It removes toxins from our body to help us to lose weight faster. What if all this goodness of lemon comes in a mouth-water drink? Sounds fun, right? Well, the author has shared 7 super simple recipes to make lemon water along with their health benefits. It helps you fight obesity and also keeps you hydrated throughout the day.

16. Low-Calorie Desserts

Low Calorie Desserts

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This is the ultimate guilt-free rescue for all those with a sweet tooth. We understand how difficult it might have been for you to ditch away those treats. Not anymore. Here we bring you a list of low-calories that does not add to your weight yet satisfies your cravings. The list includes cheesecakes, cupcakes, brownies, muffins, cakes, and more. Don’t hold your jaws now, go check them out.

17. Cucumber Water

Cucumber Water

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This recipe has garnered a lot of attention from the readers for its effectiveness. We all know how beneficial cucumber is in losing weight. Adding water to it makes it even more hydrating. This infused water serves as a day spa to your system. You will love the taste of it. It is super easy to whip up in a few minutes. All you need is just 3 simple ingredients.

18. Strawberry Detox Water

Strawberry Detox Water

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This has a list of 5 strawberry water recipes that will boost your metabolism. These recipes will definitely make all strawberry lovers smile. Now you can have your favorite fruit and get slim at the same time. The list includes strawberry infused water with a kick of lemon or lime, or mint. They are easy to whip up with 2 or 3 ingredients. You can prepare them in minutes.

19. Hot and Iced Coffee Recipes

Hot and Iced Coffee Recipes

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This might sound unreal but it is true. Yes, coffee can be in the weight loss list too. The author has shared a list of 10 coffee recipes that you can enjoy hot or cold. These recipes basically serve almond milk latte with a healthy twist.  You can whip them up with 2 or 3 ingredients. You can also get creative with the flavor by adding honey, vanilla, or maple syrup.

20. Kale Smoothie

Kale Smoothie

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We all know that kale is a healthy green that is famous for its weight loss properties. It can be added to salads, smoothies, or sandwiches. Here we are sharing 11 simple kale smoothie recipes for faster weight loss. These recipes are delicious and filling to have them in breakfast. The recipes here blend kale with nutritious fruits and veggies like spinach, apple, or banana. They are easy to prepare in minutes. These recipes require less than 5 minutes to be served.

The bottom line on Lose Weight by Eating blog and recipes

These recipes that we have handpicked from Lose Weight by Eating are no technology revolutions but simple ingredients put together to help you eat clean.

Audrey believes that a healthy diet should never make you feel deprived at the end of the day. If it does so, it is not sustainable and you will end up quitting sooner or later. Audrey has also authored cookbooks to help people lose weight by eating clean.

Many readers on the blog have shared their opinion on the recipes. They agreed that these simple yet healthy and filling recipes have indeed helped them stay on track. They have thanked her for sharing her real story to inspire millions who are on the same boat.

People like Audrey prove it again that the weight loss journey is difficult for all but not impossible. With so many limitations she has been able to still reach and maintain her healthy weight. You can do it too.

Her story has motivated many to live a healthy life by cooking a clean meal at home and not relying on restaurant foods. The recipes and diet charts that we have shared here are simple and can be followed by anyone. This redefines the challenges of a weight loss journey.

It is simple, if you have the will you have the way.

Lose Weight by Eating Eat Healthy to Achieve Your Dream Weight #easy low carb meal, #low carb diet, #low carb recipes, #recipe ideas, #weight loss meals, #lose weight by eating
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