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Ditch the Carbs Recipes: Eat Your Way to Healthy Weight Loss

All of us are not blessed souls to eat whatever we want and get away with that. Some of us have to work really hard to shed extra kilos. Reaching…

Low Carb Breakfast Ideas With Little to No Effort

Sticking to a low-carb diet is a real struggle when you have to find feasible breakfast options. You know you cannot have oatmeal, cereals, and toast. Then what is left…

Christmas Low Carb Recipe Ideas

Holidays are the time to celebrate with your friends and family. Christmas celebration is incomplete without delicacies. Here comes the biggest challenge for healthy eaters. It becomes really difficult to…

The Sugar Free Diva: Sugar-Free Recipes for a Sweet Beginning

A low-carb or keto diet can become a little more difficult for people with a sweet tooth. We simply cannot blame someone’s instinct. It is impossible for sugar addicts to…

jocelyn your support in your weight loss journey


Your support in your weight loss journey

I’m here to help you become an active participant by overcoming challenges that you will encounter in the journey to lose weight and maintain the weight you so desperately desire in order to feel good and look good.