7-Day Weight Loss Diet Plan Help Women Guaranteed

Are you trying to get a head start on weight loss and you need a plan but lack the motivation?

You are not alone in this, most women often find themselves in this situation of wanting a healthy lifestyle for weight loss and not having enough will power to commit.

The one thing that can motivate you to continue and stick with a healthy eating habit and lifestyle will be a significant loss of weight at the beginning.

This serves as proof that it is possible to drop the weight and will allow you to focus on a sustainable weight loss plan.

A 7-day weight loss diet plan for women will be designed to include foods that limit the intake of refined carbs, calories to 1200-1400 per day. It also involves eating lots of fruits and vegetables.

The Diet Plan

The whole purpose of a 7-day weight loss diet plan is to jump-start the weight loss effect of a long term plan and not to starve the body.

In fact, you will eat 3 meals and have 2 snack breaks in between just like your lasting diet plan should have.

Starting on a weekend might be convenient if you only work on weekdays to allow you to get used to the diet before the week jobs/activities get in the way.

Light to moderate exercise can be done at least thrice in the seven days to keep your circulation going.

It is also advisable to limit drinks to just water, tea or coffee and avoid high sugar beverages or alcohol. After the seven days is up, this diet plan should be stopped.

It is important to have a lasting and healthy diet plan ready to start, and not go back to indulging in junks, refined carbs, and high-calorie meals.

How the 7-Day Weight Loss Diet Plan Help Women The whole purpose of a 7-day weight loss diet plan is to jump-start the weight loss effect of a long term plan and not to starve the body. In fact, you will eat 3 meals and have 2 snack breaks in between just like your lasting diet plan should have. #7dayweightlossdiet #dietplan #loseweight #nutrition #weightlossmeals Guaranteed

Why this 7-day diet encourages weight loss

No refined carbs or processed food allowed

This diet is devoid of any refined carbs (our comfort foods) such as pasta, white rice, fries, and many others we love.

Refined carbs lack fibers, bran and other nutritive elements present in unprocessed carbohydrates which ensure optimal digestion of food (1).

The absence of these elements in refined carbs makes its glycemic index high resulting in immediate blood glucose spike after a meal which is frequently cleared by insulin (1). This makes you easily hungry after some time and cravings set in.

High intake of these refined carbs encourages fat accumulation especially around the waistline with time (1).

Exclusion of refined carbs from your meals for seven days will curb craving and reduce the possibility of gaining weight.

Limited sugar in food

According to the American Heart Association, the recommended sugar consumption is 6 teaspoons per day for women (4), (5).

However, data from the U.S. government shows a daily sugar consumption of 20 teaspoons by the average American (4).

This is a clear distinction from the recommended quantity and can encourage serious weight gain.

The necessary sugar needed by the body can be gotten from our carbohydrate and any added sugar to food is just a sweetener and an empty calorie that lack nutritional benefit (1).

Eating food without sugar will have no dietary advantage but will help save extra calories that would have been otherwise stored in the body as fat.

Intake of daily calories is lower

This diet is specifically designed to include food or food groups with lower calorie levels.

Daily calorie intake will clock in around 1200-1400 with this type of diet plan. Consuming too many calories can lead to overweight and eventually obesity and should be limited in food (3).

Presence of fruit and vegetable

It includes a lot of fruits and vegetables either as a snack or part of a meal. Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber which boost metabolism and aid weight loss (2).

Fruits are also low in calorie and have lots of water content which fills up the stomach and help reduce portion size.

Take-away: The diet is a low-calorie meal excluding refined carbs and sugars to discourage weight gain especially in the waistline.

The downside to a 7-day diet plan

Short-term weight loss

This 7 day weight loss diet plan should only be used for a maximum of one week to achieve a fast drop in weight. If done for longer, you might be looking at malnutrition and possibly starvation.

If used continuously because of the initial effect seen, the result might be counter-productive and more weight gain is seen as muscle mass decrease (6).

Rapid weight loss

Even though the whole point of this diet plan is to see a quick result, rapid weight loss is not necessarily a good thing. Some more than others will be greatly impacted by this change.

Rapid weight loss is known to decrease metabolism, reduce muscle strength and similar other effects that will ultimately hurt weight loss (11), (12).

A study done on four university wrestlers found that a rapid reduction in weight of 8% over a four day period impaired their ability to perform well in a wrestling match (11).

Fatigue and poor physical performance

Because of the low calorie in diet, there will also be a noticeable decrease in energy level which will impact performance in physical activity. It causes fatigue and decreases the will to engage in exercise.

Take-away: This 7-day weight loss diet plan is effective and safe when used for a short period. Long term food/calorie restriction will limit the energy level and result in tiredness.

Have your pantry ready before starting

Here is a full shopping list of what to get for the meal plan and check to make sure you have these on hand.

Lean proteins

·  3 ounces smoked salmon

·  4 ounces mahi-mahi fillet, 4 ounce salmon fillet tuna, 4 ounces lean steak

·   ¾ pound boneless chicken breast

·  ½ pound lean deli turkey

Dairy products

·   Plain low-fat Greek yogurt

·   Non-fat milk

·    Eggs

·    Crumbled feta cheese

Fruits and vegetables

· Baby carrots

· Regular carrots

· Cucumber

·  Apples

·  Avocados

· Blueberries

· Bananas

· Cherry tomatoes

· Onions

·  Sweet potatoes

· Sugar snap peas

· Brussels sprouts

·  Garlic

· Cauliflower

· Celery

· Kale

· Broccoli

·  Mixed greens

Dry goods

·  1 can unsalted black beans

·  1 can unsalted chickpeas

·   1 large can diced tomatoes

·   Unsalted nuts

·   Teriyaki sauce

·  Vinaigrette

·  Chia seeds

Whole grains

·  Whole-wheat bread

·   Whole-wheat tortillas

· Brown rice

· Oats

· Quinoa

Frozen foods

·         Frozen shrimps

·         1 pound unsalted frozen mixed veggies

·         Frozen unsweetened mango

·         Frozen unsweetened strawberries


·  Hummus

·  Fresh pesto

·  Dried bay leaves

·  Chicken stock

·   Sesame seed

·   Tzatziki

·  Extra-virgin olive oil

·  Salt and pepper

·  Cooking spray

Take-away: Use the shopping list to make sure you’ve got everything that’s needed. If you have any dietary restriction with any food, you can easily swap for another similar one preferably in the same food class.

Day 1 Meal


Toast 2 slices whole-wheat bread and eat with 2 hard-boiled eggs. You can add hot sauce to improve the taste if you wish.

Whole-wheat bread is a better option compared to white bread because it is made from whole grain flour containing more fibers, nutrients than white flour. In addition, human studies have been carried out that support people eating whole-wheat bread have significantly reduced abdominal fat compared to those on white bread (7).

Egg breakfast also enhances weight loss especially for those on a limited calorie diet (8), (9).

AM snack

A cup blueberries and 1-ounce nuts


Make a nice lunch with

· 1 whole-wheat tortilla

· 1 cup mixed greens

·  ¼ avocado

· 3 ounces smoked salmon

PM snack

Have a veggie snack of broccoli, cauliflower and eat with tzatziki. For moderation, use only a cup of the veggies combined and 2 teaspoons tzatziki.


Make a nice dinner using lean steak, sweet potatoes, Brussels sprouts, and olive oil

·         Season 4-ounce lean steak with salt and pepper

·         Pour 1 teaspoon olive oil into a frying pan over medium heat and allow to warm

·         Add the seasoned steak and allow to cook to your liking turning both sides at regular intervals

·         Remove the cooked steak and serve

·         Chop 1 cup sweet potatoes and 1 cup Brussels sprouts

·         Place on a sheet pan and drizzle with 2 teaspoon olive oil

·         Add salt and pepper to season and coat

·         Roast at 450℉  for 15 minutes or till tender

·         Serve with the cooked steak and enjoy

Total daily calories clocks in at 1,358.

Take-away: Replace refined carbs like white bread for whole-wheat bread and include lots of vegetables for optimal digestion. Also, make sure you have your measuring cup to properly measure the quantity you are using and avoid over dishing.

Day 2 Meal


Make a green smoothie using;

·         ½ cup plain low-fat Greek yogurt

·         ½ cup non-fat milk

·         ½ cup of frozen mango

·         ½ banana

·         ½ small avocado

·         1 cup kale

·         Blend all together and serve for breakfast

Yogurt is a protein and calcium-rich diet that influence appetite and energy intake (10). Studies have also shown that consumption of milk and yogurt delay stomach emptying and suppress appetite (10).

AM snack

1-ounce nuts and 1 cup blueberries for a morning snack break


Dish a plate with;

·  ½ cup cherry tomatoes, diced or sliced

·  ½ cup chopped cucumber

·   ½ cup cooked quinoa

·  3 ounces grilled chicken

·  2 teaspoon feta cheese

· Dress with 1 teaspoon vinaigrette

PM snack

Veggie snack of ½ cup baby carrots and ½ cup sugar snap peas. Eat with 2 teaspoon hummus.


· Chop and steam 1 cup carrots

· Chop and steam 1 cup broccoli

·  Bake 4 ounce mahi-mahi at 400℉ for 10 to 15 minutes

· Serve all 3 on a plate and drizzle with 2 tablespoon teriyaki sauce

·  Finish off by sprinkling 1 teaspoon sesame seeds

Total daily calories clocks in at 1,239.

Take-away: Start the day with a refreshing bowl of protein-packed fruit smoothie. You can blend the ingredients with few ice cubes so the smoothie can be cold. That is if you don’t mind it being a light consistency.

Day 3 Meal


Blend ½ cup plain low-fat Greek yogurt, ½ cup non-fat milk, ½ cup frozen mango. ½ banana, ½ small avocado, and 1 cup kale to make a green smoothie just like the previous day.

AM snack

1 apple and 1-ounce nuts


Veggies soups made by;

· Chop 1 carrot, rib celery, and 1 small onion

· Add to a big pot containing 1 teaspoon extra-virgin olive oil over medium-high   heat

· Cook for about 5 minutes then add 1 clove garlic that has been crushed

· Afterwards, stir and add 4 cups chicken stock, 1 can chickpeas, 1 large can diced tomatoes, 1 pound frozen mixed veggies and 1 dried bay leaf

· Simmer and cook for about 10 minutes when all ingredients are well mixed.

· Discard the bay leaf and serve

The whole pot can give 8 servings (2 cups per serving), so 2 cups should be served and the rest reserved for another day.

Each soup serving should be topped with 1 tablespoon of grounded pesto and pepper.

Each serving of the vegetable soup fills you up easily, rich in essential nutrients without packing many calories.

PM snack

Veggie snack of ½ cup baby carrot and ½ cup sugar snap peas plus 2 tablespoon hummus.


Make dinner with 1 cup carrots, 1 cup broccoli, 4-ounce salmon, 2 tablespoons teriyaki sauce and 1 teaspoon sesame seeds.

Dinner is prepared just like day 2 by baking the salmon and steaming the veggies.

Total daily calories clocks in at 1,226.

Take-away: Keep the momentum going and only drink water, tea or coffee. If you have any food allergies or restrictions, switch for another food of equal calories preferably in the same food class. For instance, if you have nut allergies, you can replace it with roasted pumpkin seed or sunflower seed.

Day 4 Meal


Overnight oat and blueberries

· Combine ½ cup oats and 1 tablespoon chia seeds in a container with a tightly fitted lid

· Measure ½ cup plain low-fat Greek yogurt and ½ cup non-fat milk and add to the contents of the container

· Stir and refrigerate overnight

· Stir the following morning and top with ½ cup fresh blueberries

Overnight oat is a filling meal because of the swelling that makes it look bigger. It provides a readily available nutritious meal without having to cook it. However, some might prefer to warm it the next morning before eating which is absolutely fine.

AM snack

1 apple and 1-ounce nuts


Prepare a nice lunch with

· 1 cup mixed greens, ¼ avocado

· 1 whole-wheat tortilla and 3 ounces lean deli turkey

PM snack

·  ½ cup baby carrots, ½ cup sugar snap peas

·   2 tablespoon hummus


Made with 1 cup broccoli, 1 cup carrots, 4-ounce shrimp, ½ cup brown rice, 2 tablespoon teriyaki sauce and 1 teaspoon sesame seeds.

·         Both broccoli and carrot are chopped and steamed separately. Five minutes steaming for the carrots and 3 minutes for the broccoli

·         The brown rice is cooked

·         The shrimp is defrosted first under cool running water and dried. Then it is cooked with all-natural cooking spray till it’s bright pink

·         The food is served, drizzle with teriyaki sauce and sprinkled with sesame seeds

Total daily calories clocks in at 1,383.

Take-away: Ensure you prepare your oatmeal the previous night to allow proper soaking for breakfast the following morning. If you prefer to soak for a longer time period, go for it. Reserve the baby carrots for snack time and regular carrots for mealtime.

Day 5 Meal


Start the day with 1 whole-wheat tortilla. ½ cup black beans and 1 scrambled egg

AM snack

1 apple and 1-ounce nuts


Pack your afternoon plate with

·  3 ounces deli turkey

·  2 slices whole-wheat bread

·   ¼ avocado

·   1 cup mixed greens

PM snack

½ cup sugar snap peas, ½ cup baby carrots, and 2 tablespoons hummus


Have a fun night with

·  2 slices veggie pizza, 1 cup salad greens

· 1 tablespoon vinaigrette

Total daily calories clocks in at 1,478

Takeaway: Prepare for the day and get ready to consume the most calories you will during the diet (1478 calories). Make sure you get more exercise in today so you can peacefully enjoy the extra calories.

Day 6 Meal


Berry smoothie made using;

·  ½ cup plain low-fat yogurt

·  ½ cup nonfat milk

·   ½ banana

· 1 cup of frozen strawberries

Blend together to make a smooth paste.

AM snack

1 whole banana and 1-ounce nuts


2 cups of veggie soup from the pot made for day-3 lunch. 2 cups of the veggie soup is taken from the fridge, heated and served warmed with 1 tablespoon of grounded pesto and pepper topping.

PM snack

Veggie snack of ½ cup broccoli, ½ cup cauliflower and 2 tablespoons tzatziki


Make a nice dinner using grilled chicken, sweet potatoes, Brussels sprouts, and olive oil.

· Rub 1 teaspoon olive oil on 4 ounces chicken. Season with salt and pepper.

·  Grill over medium-high heat for about 5 minutes per side. Remove the grilled chicken to be served.

·  Chop ½ cup sweet potatoes and 1 cup Brussels sprouts.

·  Place on a sheet pan and drizzle with 2 teaspoon olive oil. Add salt and pepper to season and coat.

· Roast at 450℉ for 15 minutes or till tender.

·  Serve with the grilled chicken and enjoy.

Total daily calories clocks in at 1,230.

Takeaway: Follow the meal plan and ensure you’re not slacking at your measurements. Warm 2 cups of veggie soup from day 3 and don’t forget to top with fresh pesto and pepper.

Day 7 Meal


Overnight oat and blueberries made just like day 4 breakfast using ½ cup nonfat milk, ½ cup plain low-fat Greek yogurt, ½ cup oats, 1 cup chia seeds and blueberries.

Anthocyanins present in blueberries have been linked by several research studies to improved weight management (13). It has also been found to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and death which is of benefit to a successful weight loss plan (13).

AM snack

1 banana and 1-ounce nuts


·  2 cups mixed greens

· ½ cup chopped cucumber, ½ cup cherry tomatoes

·  3 ounce tuna, 1 tablespoon vinaigrette

Cucumbers have high water content and are known to fill the stomach quickly accomplish a feeling of satisfaction thus reducing portion size.

PM snack

·  ½ cup broccoli, ½ cup cauliflower

·  2 tablespoon tzatziki


Grilled chicken, roasted sweet potatoes, roasted Brussels sprouts, and olive oil prepared just like day-6 dinner.

Olive oil is the cooking oil of choice in this diet plan because of its numerous health benefits (14), (15).

It is monounsaturated fat which is good for health compared to trans fats (15). This is because it helps decrease the blood level of bad cholesterols while increasing good cholesterols (14).

It is also known for its ability to absorb nutrients better which is especially needed for women on restricted calorie diets. Women on this type of diet have a tendency to have basic nutrient deficiencies because of the limit on the type of food that can be eaten.

Total daily calories clocks in at 1,303.

Take-away: The last day of the diet should be taken seriously and also leisurely. You can decide to treat yourself before starting your long-term commitment.

The bottom line on the 7 day weight loss diet for women

As a reminder, this should be done for seven days only and not made into an every week meal. The meal was strategically designed to cut back calories, include lots of fruits, vegetables, and proteins as well.

Plan your day ahead to make sure you have everything you need and avoid snacking on the first thing you can get which might very well be junk food.

The first few days of being on this diet will result in a significant weight reduction which is the goal here but should be extended beyond as calorie deficit can set in.

If daily calorie consumption is way below the daily requirement for a long period, it will significantly affect a woman’s day-to-day activities not to mention that it could be counter-productive.

However, don’t go back to eating burgers, pasta, white bread, and junks, instead, commit to a long-term healthy 7 day weight loss diet plan for a sustainable weight management goal to be realized.

How the 7-Day Weight Loss Diet Plan Help Women Guaranteed The whole purpose of a 7-day weight loss diet plan is to jump-start the weight loss effect of a long term plan and not to starve the body. In fact, you will eat 3 meals and have 2 snack breaks in between just like your lasting diet plan should have. #7dayweightlossdiet #dietplan #loseweight #nutrition #weightlossmeals
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