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Wholesome Yum Recipes to Lose Weight the Healthy Way

The most challenging part of a weight loss journey is dieting. It is often linked to forced starving. This often acts as a barrier to sustain a healthy lifestyle. To…

St. Patrick’s Day Low Carb Recipe Ideas That Are Super Easy to Make

Irish or not, everyone enjoys St. Patrick’s Day with drinks, desserts, and grand feasts. For people watching their carbs, it might seem impossible to stick to a healthy diet. However,…

Low Carb Meal Prep Ideas Without Having to Cheat

The thought of cutting down carbs reduces so many food options. There is carb all around us, from grocery stores to restaurants. The simple way to eat healthy is to…

Mother’s Day Low Carb Recipe Ideas to Make Her Feel Special

We all have been spoiled by the motherly love at some point of time. Now, it’s time to spoil her on Mother’s Day. Be it your mom, your children’s mom,…

jocelyn your support in your weight loss journey


Your support in your weight loss journey

I’m here to help you become an active participant by overcoming challenges that you will encounter in the journey to lose weight and maintain the weight you so desperately desire in order to feel good and look good.